Tuesday 27 November 2007

Next in line (hopefully next week):


And tonight we went to see this

One word: UAU!!!

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Monday 19 November 2007


Esticar os brac,os
e tocar o azul
espreguic,ar o corpo
ate' encher a alma
Abrir os olhos
Enche-los de ce'u e mar
Enterrar os dedos na areia
Sentir o Sol
Lamber o sal da pele
E saborear
este sabor
a mar

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Completely random (and slightly sadistic) thought

Why do suicidal people have to jump in front of the train and ruin everyone else's day?

Tuesday 13 November 2007


'a mae mais lindona do mundo inteirinho e arredores (a minha, claro). :)

Sunday 11 November 2007

Caution - Work in Progress

The smell of paint, the sight of the blank canvas, I try to see in the corners of my mind the picture of what I'm about to create, what I'm supposed to do, but all that comes in to light is you.
The thought of you faraway living your life in someone else's arms.
And I start to remember all the smells, the looks, the touch, the laughter.
And the thought of you glancing at me while I work. A sigh of desaproval and you rendered me undone. How come your approval still means so much to me?
When I was the one who told you to go?

A glimpse of light from my window moves through the white surface in front of me and brings me back to the present. But somewhere in the back of my mind, your voice is still telling me it's not good enough, I'm not good enough.
So this is what I want to say to you, I might not always say or do the right thing, maybe I don't always look the right way, or my hair doesn't stay in the right place, maybe my weight fluctuates and my clothes don't always fit, maybe I scream when I should be silent or stay still when I should move, but you know what? That's just me being me, maybe I like the fact that I'm not perfect, maybe, just maybe, you're the one missing out on something great, because love isn't about being perfect, but about loving each others imperfections.

Finally, I can paint again.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Com muuuiiittttoooo atraso

(pois a ocorrencia foi a 11 de Outubro, mas so agora fui informada, uma vez que vivemos a varias zonas horarias e um hemisferio de distancia) muitos parabens 'a mae Carla e benvinda ao Mundo be'be' Melissa.

Se a mae ainda nao disse, ficas ja a saber que tens umas "tias" babadissimas sempre prontas pra mimar.

Sunday 4 November 2007

F*** the diet :P

Ontem cometi um assassinato.
Matei a minha "dieta".
Depois de 3 anos sem comer carnes vermelhas, fritos e gorduras, ataquei um hamburguer com queijo no mercado local...
E com bastante cebola, ketchup e mostarda, que pra morte ser completa.

E pro jantar?
Sais de frutos.

Saturday 3 November 2007

Happy birthday baby

Parabens primo Joao.

Friday 2 November 2007

Feeling like

an absolute twat... :(