Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Because you love me

I am happiness and sadness
And all the things inbetween
I am empty and I'm whole
Have all the feelings in the world
And then some that I can spare
I'm embracing everything
And giving it all back
For I need to retain nothing
There's nothing I need to hold
All I can do is share this feeling
the greatest I've ever known

Sunday, 15 June 2008

I'm liking this a lot too

Joshua Radin @ The Monto - 06: The Fear You Won't Fall

Friday, 13 June 2008

Right now I'm loving this

Imogen Heap - The Moment I Said It
From the album Speak For Yourself

Probably one of the Best things I've heard in a looong time.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Here we go again

Chega de argumentar
Estou farta de discussoes
Nao vou mais negociar
Sou como sou, sem excepc,oes

De quem e' esta pele,
E aquele grito, quem o deu?
E este corac,ao a palpitar
Bate no meu peito ou no teu?

Quem soltou este suspiro
Esta la'grima quem a chorou
Onde esta' o ar que respiro
Foste tu quem o levou?